Who We Are
We, Onnuri English Ministry Men of Valor (MOV) are a group of men coming together under the blessing and guidance of God to do the following:
1. Provide opportunities for spiritual growth.
2. Exciting recreational activities.
3. Offer Christian value formation.
4. Give the members the opportunity to make use of and develop their particular natural skills and gifts to impact those they come in contact with.
5. Serve our local community (Nanumi Soup Kitchen, Social Justice Ministries, among others).
1. Provide opportunities for spiritual growth.
2. Exciting recreational activities.
3. Offer Christian value formation.
4. Give the members the opportunity to make use of and develop their particular natural skills and gifts to impact those they come in contact with.
5. Serve our local community (Nanumi Soup Kitchen, Social Justice Ministries, among others).
We believe in service and fun. We have taken on Nanumi Soup Kitchen, serving the homeless and vulnerable in Seoul as one of our core activities. We also hold events and meetings throughout the year. We believe fellowship is important and building relationships and providing opportunities for growth are at the core of what we do. We have picnics, Retreats, and bible studies to build each other up in faith.
Upcoming Events
Nanumi Soup Kitchen
Every 3rd Saturday of the Month (social distancing guidelines in effect)
Online Gathering
Every 2nd & 4th Thursday evenings of the month via Zoom
Men's Retreat
Men's Breakfasts