Onnuri-Wide New Years Eve/Day Services
There will be 2 services on New Years Eve and 2 services on New Years Day as we wrap up 2020 and greet the New Year with worship. All 4 services will be online-only and have English interpretation available via Zoom, while the 11PM New Years Eve Service will have Spanish interpretation also. New Year's Eve 9:00PM 11:00PM New Year's Day 9:30AM 11:30AM Zoom Info https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87150374066?pwd=M1NOdVpsT2EveE9sbUJTNm9wb0t1dz09 Meeting ID: 871 5037 4066 Password: 749702
Friday, Dec. 25, 2020, 10:00 a.m. on the AIM Korea YouTube channel.
AIM: Association of International Ministries Please join us as EMs across Korea come together with a united heart to worship together as we remember the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to this earth. Log on to the AIM Korea YouTube channel for the link to the service. This year's special offering will go towards purchasing sleeping bags for the homeless around Seoul Station through Nanumi Korea. |
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