OEM will be preparing for our LJM outreaches in July (jjokbangchon, orphanage ministry) Please be in prayer as we prepare to serve as a community and be a good neighbor.
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Our youth ministry summer retreat will be a 1-day retreat that takes place on July 2 at Seeker's Cafe! Please sign-up using the online form and feel free to invite your friends! For any questions, please contact P. Drew at [email protected].
•Sunday March 6, 2022 •New time of 10:30AM •For Adults - 5th FL •Children - 6th FL •Youth - Joy Hall 3rd FL, SookMyeong SBG 4pm Children Ministry -Joy Hall 3rd FL. Missions Building •No SBG 11:30AM Family Worship
Onnuri English Ministry (OEM) is the English Ministry of Onnuri Church based in Seoul. Although Onnuri Church is a Presbyterian church, OEM is more accurately described as inter-denominational as we are made up of believers from all over the world with diverse backgrounds.
The OEM office is in Seobinggo, Yongsan and worships in 2 locations on Sundays - 10:30AM at Dogok and 4PM at Seobinggo. We currently have 2 openings in our staff. Part-Time - Pastor of Children’s Ministry This is a part-time position that serves the elementary grade children and families in Dogok & Seobinggo Campus. Qualifications: M. Div. or MA. CE. (completed or in progress) from an accredited seminary. Some experience working with children in any context (please describe in cover letter). Requirements: Mature and growing relationship with God, teachable heart. Passion and love for children. Native English-speaker proficiency in English. Korean ability is a plus. Agree and live out our statement of faith (http://www.onnurienglish.org/about-onnuri-english-ministry.html). Strong interpersonal and communication skills. Be able to engage children utilizing age-appropriate methods. Responsibilities: Oversee and lead the children’s ministry at Seobinggo Campus. Facilitate spiritual nurturing of children including leading children’s worship service and preaching weekly. Train and equip teachers to foster quality small group discipleship. Develop and maintain good communication with parents of children. Compensation: Salary + Scholarship Application: Email [email protected] (Questions? 02-3215-3684) Cover letter introducing yourself and your interest in this position. Resume/CV Salvation testimony (min. 1 A4 page) Philosophy of ministry 2 letters of recommendation 2 sermon recordings (video or audio - link/file) - if possible Can be from seminary preaching class Are you ready for revival? OEM will be hosting a community-wide revival via Zoom starting June 25th. The theme of the OEM Revival will be “Prepare for Revival” and the guest speaker will be Dr. R.T. Kendall. This will be a time to hear, respond and draw near to God as He prepares the OEM community for revival. You can also register below and email [email protected] if you have any questions. 영어예배에서 온라인 부흥회 '부흥을 준비하라!'를 개최합니다. 6월 25일과 26일 오후 8시 예배는 줌(Zoom: 한국어 통역 제공), 27일 오후 4시 영어예배는 유튜브 채널로 진행됩니다. 예배는 누구나 참가할 수 있지만 등록을 하셔야 합니다. 참가신청은 6월 24일까지 입니다. 강사는 R.T. 켄달 목사님 입니다. R.T. 켄달 목사님은 1977년부터 25년 동안 웨스트민스터 채플에서 목회를 하셨고 <자기 용서>, <R.T. 켄달의 임재>, <내일의 기름부음>, <질투> 등 60여 권의 저서가 있습니다. 문의: 02-3215-3685
As we begin 2021, we want to hold fast to the gospel that is hope to the world, not neglecting meeting together, but encourage one another in the Word of God. In tandem with the 90 days of early morning prayer for the New Year, we will be embarking on reading the Bible in 90 days as a community.
The Bible reading will be done by audio bible during our regular House of Prayer at 9:30PM. People can still join the Zoom meeting from 9:10PM for prayer before the Bible reading starts at 9:30PM. For people who cannot join the House of Prayer, you can still participate in the reading through the YouVersion Bible app. Let us grow in motivating each other in prayer and with the Word of God. To join the 90-Days Bible Reading Challenge, please sign up and you will be put in a group with your community/ministry pastor for a weekly online gathering for a time of instruction, discussion, and encouragement. Notes:
Onnuri-Wide New Years Eve/Day Services
There will be 2 services on New Years Eve and 2 services on New Years Day as we wrap up 2020 and greet the New Year with worship. All 4 services will be online-only and have English interpretation available via Zoom, while the 11PM New Years Eve Service will have Spanish interpretation also. New Year's Eve 9:00PM 11:00PM New Year's Day 9:30AM 11:30AM Zoom Info https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87150374066?pwd=M1NOdVpsT2EveE9sbUJTNm9wb0t1dz09 Meeting ID: 871 5037 4066 Password: 749702 Friday, Dec. 25, 2020, 10:00 a.m. on the AIM Korea YouTube channel.
AIM: Association of International Ministries Please join us as EMs across Korea come together with a united heart to worship together as we remember the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to this earth. Log on to the AIM Korea YouTube channel for the link to the service. This year's special offering will go towards purchasing sleeping bags for the homeless around Seoul Station through Nanumi Korea. Both the 11:30AM Family Service and 4PM Adult Service are now open to the public with safety precautions! While we are thankful to be able to gather in person for worship, we will still be operating under strict safety procedures in order to ensure a safe environment for everyone until further notice as the COVID-19 threat is not over. Onnuri Church has made numerous preparations to minimize the risk of infection on church premises.
Due to the COVID19 pandemic, this year’s Good Friday service will be streamed online. Join us LIVE, Friday, April 10, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. with the link below. As we will be taking communion together, you’re encouraged to prepare the elements on your own as well. We look forward to God’s Church coming together as one as we remember the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Onnuri English Ministry (OEM) is the English Ministry of Onnuri Church based in Seoul. Although Onnuri Church is a Presbyterian church, OEM is more accurately described as inter-denominational as we are made up of believers from all over the world and backgrounds.
The OEM office is in Seobinggo, Yongsan and worships in 2 locations on Sundays - 11AM at Dogok and 4PM at Seobinggo. We currently have 3 openings in our staff. All 3 nights are completely open to the public so there is no need to sign up or register!
* English translation available for the Korean portions, but you will need to come early to get a seat in the main auditorium. We are recruiting people to join us on Short-Term Missions this Summer! The three destinations are Thailand, Nagoya, and Tokyo. If you have any questions, shoot us an email at: [email protected]
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June 2022
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